About About | Nisha Selvarajan
About About | Nisha Selvarajan

About Me

I am a software developer with a passion for solving complex technical problems and to build high performing software. First and foremost, I love writing code. Ever since writing my first program in Java and manipulating it to produce a desired output, I have been obsessed with the idea of using software to solve practical problems. Software engineering is a never-ending puzzle that I am passionately engaged in solving. I believe in the power of programming to transform and improve the lives of people around the world.

I’m a quick-learning, curious developer who is confident in both machine learning and back-end programming. I love tackling tough problems and I pride myself on my ability to come up with creative solutions and communicate effectively.

Nisha Selvarjan icon

Data Science

Passionate about data analysis, data science, machine learning and deep learning. I used python iconPython to analyse behavioral data, text analytics and create vizualisations. My recent interest is to develop, test, tune, and deploy both CNN and RNN based deep learning systems using python icon TensorFlow.

python icon Python
python icon R
D3 icon MatPlotLib
PlotLy icon PlotLy
sklearn icon Scikit Learn
tensorflow icon Tensor Flow
Pandas icon Pandas
numpy icon Numpy
Scipy icon Scipy
Natural Language Toolkit icon Natural Language Kit
